Thursday, June 19, 2014

Homemade Coconut Water, Fruit Popsicles

Ok guys first off I'm very sorry for no posts for almost 2 months! I have been very busy, I actually moved from one state to a complete different state! Now that I'm moved I should have time to put up more posts! Secondly my last post said I was going to review 4 different products, but later I erased it because before I new it the products were used and I hadn't taken pictures. Sorry to those that were looking forward to those 4 review, I can tell you the only thing I didn't like at all and shortly after I got it stopped using was the Tom's of Maine Botanically Bright toothpaste, I would not at all recommend that one. Ok now let's get to today's post, so today I'm going to share with you a healthy coconut water and fruit Popsicle recipe I saw on Pinterest.  I thought these Popsicles were really good, but I would recommend a different brand of coconut water. Ok lets get to the recipe!
  What you will need:

  • A variety of fruit (you can use fresh or frozen, I used a mixture)
  •  A bottle of coconut water
  • Popsicle molds ( I got mine at Home Goods for $12.99, I also got push up ones for $4.99 at Home Goods)
        How to prepare the Popsicles:


Step 1: Cut up all your fruit
Step 2: Fill your molds with coconut water  two thirds of the way
Step 3: Add the fruit and if needed top off with coconut water, then put them in the freezer over night

After you pop them out of the mold they will look like this, the 2 on the right are what they look like in the push up molds.

~ Hope ya'll enjoyed this, and if you try it out let us know how it went in the comments. Also if you have any questions ask me in the comments and I'll answer you! ~