Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DIY: Linen Spray Two Ways(Orange and Lavender)

Today I'm going to share with ya'll a recipe on how to make your own lavender and orange linen spray.  For the orange one you can use any essential oil you want so your linen spray could smell like sandalwood, chamomile, rose, or even vanilla. You may ask what a linen spray is, a linen spray is a spray used to make clothes, sheets and bed spreads, and furniture smell good. The way you use a linen spray is simply shake up the linen spray if their are oils separating, and then spray on clothing during ironing for a soft perfume, spray on hotel or home beds for a nice smell, or spray on furniture. Linen spray is very easy to make and needs very few ingredients. Lets get to it!

DIY Lavender Water or Linen Spray:
What you Need:
  • A spray Bottle
  • 4 Tablespoons of dried lavender
  • Some Coffee Filters
  • 1 cup of water
  • Optional: Lavender Essential Oil, vodka, and Distilled water to dilute the water if you think the smell is too strong.
Step 1: Put the cup of water in a pot and bring to a boil. Next take the water off the heat and add 4 Tablespoons of dried lavender buds.
Step 2: Let the lavender steep in the water for 5 to 20 minutes depending on how strong you want it I let mine steep for 20 and I think the smell was too strong. To keep the smell from taking over the house, I covered the pot with saran wrap and put an elastic headband around that to keep it close. If you want your house to smell like that than you could leave it open, but the main reason I didn't is because some people in my house don't like this floral smell.
Step 3: Put a coffee filter in a jar and let it droop in, then secure the outside with a rubber band. After the lavender is done steeping pour the liquid over the coffee filter, to separate the buds from the floral water. I went through a lot of filters because my jar was small and my filters were small, so I recommend a bigger jar or cup. Though the plus was each time I could squeeze out the excess liquid from the buds.
Step 4 (optional): This step is optional, but if your water is too strong, you can distilled water, I had half of a mason jar of floral water and added another half of mason jar full of distilled water, but make sure you keep mixing because if you don't you might add too much water and it be to subtle of a lavender smell. If your water is to subtle you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil and some vodka, the vodka keeps the essential oil from separating from the water.
Step 5: Add the water to your spray bottle and enjoy your new linen spray!

                  DIY Essential Oil Linen Spray:
What you Need:
  • 20-30 Drops of Essential Oils I used Orange
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons of Rubbing Alcohol or 2 Tablespoons of Vodka
  • A Spray Bottle
  • Distilled water
Step 1: Add 20-30 drops of essential oil to your spray bottle in the end I probably used about 30 drops, because the rubbing alcohol was very strong.
Step 2: Add the rubbing alcohol or vodka to the essential oil, if you use rubbing alcohol I would use slightly less, compared to vodka.
Step 3: Mix and swish around the essential oil and rubbing alcohol; together until combined.
Step 4: fill the rest of the spray bottle with Distilled Water, then shake up the mixture until combined. Then smell the mixture I found that the rubbing alcohol was very strong, and I ended up adding more essential oil. I ended up spraying the spray on a napkin and letting it dry, and found that the alcohol smell diminished when dry.

Step 5: Enjoy your new Linen Spray!

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