Thursday, April 10, 2014

DIY Chamomile Face Scrub

 Today I'm going to share with ya'll my own recipe on how to make a chamomile face scrub.  Chamomile is GREAT for your skin, it has brightening, cleansing, disinfecting, and moisturizing properties. Chamomile is great for acne- prone skin, dry, and sensitive skin.  It also helps calm eczema, sunburn, rosacea, and wounds.  Now that you know the great things chamomile can do for your skin, I'm going to tell you about the exfoliating properties, the exfoliating agent in this recipe is almond meal.  The reason i picked almond meal, was because even though most people think sugar is a GREAT exfoliator, but in reality, it takes moisture out of your skin, and the granules can slightly cut your skin because sugar granules have tiny, sharp, jagged edges.  Sugar can also cause eczema, aging, acne, and rosacea , I mean if sugar isn't good for your body, why do people think it is good for your face, but if you use sugar and it works great for you, I'm not telling you to stop using it.  In reality, almond meal will never be as abrasive and effective as sugar is, but I have gotten drawn away from using sugar on my face.  Almond meal is an exfoliator, can moisturize your face, helps fight acne, and clear skin from impurities.  I used glycerin as the binder for this, I picked this, because it is non-comedogenic and on the scale, is not shown to break peoples skin out, glycerin is also VERY moisturizing, and can seal in moisture.  It also can brighten your skin, and I also didn't have any other non-comedogenic oils or binders.  I used vitamin E because, it is a preserver, and I love how it effects my skin, but you don't have to use vitamin E.  Now you know why I picked these ingredients lets get to the recipe!

What you will need:
  • 5 100% chamomile Tea bags (not used of course)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Almond Meal ( you could also use jojoba beads if you wanted, but sadly I don't have any)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Glycerin
  • Optional: 3 Vitamin E capsules
 Step 1: Mix all your dry and wet ingredients together, and mix. It's as easy as that!
 Step 2: It should be very crumbly and look like this, if you want it more together you could add more glycerin, or a bit of water. You can store it in a mason jar, or Tupperware, or even a plastic bag.

 To use this put a small amount in your hand and add a tad of water and mix, then just massage it all over your face for like a minute.  You could let it sit on your skin for a few minutes, or just wash it off.
I used this scrub, and I LOVE it, it's the perfect amount of scrub for me, and it is pretty moisturizing, I'll give ya'll an update on how it's working, because I have only used this scrub once.

       ~If anyone tries this out, let us know how it went, if you have any questions or statements, just comment below, and I'm in dire  need of ideas on what ya'll want to see on my blog soooo, please let me know in the comments below what you want to see.~

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